You may also wish to visit:

http://www.amazon.com/Amie-Ryan/e/B00HO94FZG My Amazon.com author page. This page contains an author bio, all five of my books (if you'd like to purchase) with a free sample available for each, and also a direct feed from my twitter page. Sometimes I run a free book giveaway and I try to let readers know about this on my different social media sites.

https://twitter.com/AisforAmie This is my Twitter page. If you visit, I hope you click Follow :)

https://www.pinterest.com/amieryan/books-by-amie-ryan/ Pinterest. I do have a board for my books and also other boards including Vintage Hollywood, Celebrity Mugshots, Beatles Children, and Yellow Submarine.

http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7735717.Amie_Ryan My author page on Goodreads. I hope you'll add me as a friend on Goodreads and on this author page you can find a bio, find out where my books are available, and read Amie Ryan quotes. Not only that, but should the mood strike you, you can ask me a question about writing or books and you can even write a quiz about Starfish On Thursday or Green Shoes Mean I Love You. Sometimes I run a free book giveaway on Goodreads and you can find those by clicking on Giveaways, on the main Goodreads page.

https://instagram.com/seattleamieryan/ I am on Instagram as SeattleAmieRyan. I hope you'll follow me!

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUMKi-Gtq7xU8R-Hk_62sCQ I have a Youtube channel which features the videos I've made so far plus an eclectic mix of ones I've favorited on Youtube.

https://www.amieryan.com/ Last but not least, my home page which includes information about my books (each with a button you can click that takes you directly to Amazon so you can purchase them) and also reader reviews. This site also features a link to this very blog and also a photo gallery.

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